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Prison to Paradise

Angebote / Angebote:

This is a story of the power of a prisoner's dream and the struggle of a family looking for answers in an alien environment. It is the saga of a boy growing up as one of the few whites on a tropical paradise with a life full of adventure, humor, and irreplaceable memories. Prison To Paradise is a tale that spans three generations of a tumultuous family history. Juan Sibul is a Russian revolutionary who is imprisoned for his writings, and after an extraordinary escape, he gets to America where, with the help of notables like Mark Twain, he is influential in changing the course of Russian history. His son Leo is born in New York and matures into a brilliant entrepreneur. He marries an innocent college graduate, and in his search for a better lifestyle, they travel to an unknown Caribbean island where they struggle with making a life for the family. They have three children, and their youngest is Peter, who quickly learns to cope with his wild surroundings, and who now relates his story of a very unique childhood.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


23,50 CHF