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Angebote / Angebote:

What's inside this book?What prompted me to write this novel are several facts that have existed here today and one that will exist forever. I love God and Jesus. That being the case, I want to share unfolded events in our past concerning humanity and culture. Being that God purposed and made everything and gave humans the free right to choose how to dictate their own lives, we can see in past times that although he's given us free will, in the mist of evil, he provides to us an open door of escape and salvation.Racism, slavery, and God-although the human characters and names in this book are fictitious, at some point in time in slavery, God has utilized and appointed individuals to set people free from affliction. Some of these people were discovered, and some were not. In my opinion, the person being used often gets more glory than God who concerted the motive. Whether he has directly guided someone or has given them an idea or vision, all good things that have happened in the past, present, and future have been, are, and will be a direct inspiration from him.Another issue that influenced me to write this book is the hidden deception that some people think that racism and slavery do not exist today because they don't see people in chains, singing chants with a master standing over them with a whip in their hand, not being cognizant about the current laws, policies, and other politics that play a part in biased treatment. So I'm tackling one of the issues the world has been facing since man's existence on earth. Call it me taking my talents of drawing and writing to expose, uplift, and enlighten, something that my parents have encouraged me to do since I was a child.So whether you're young or old, it doesn't matter what race you are or what religion you have. God created every race equal. So sit back, relax, read the book, and enjoy the illustrations. See you in the next book.Be well, Marlin Dennis
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