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Journey back in time to ancient Greece and immerse yourself in the life and legacy of Pericles, the illustrious politician and general who played a pivotal role during the Golden Age of Athens. This book is a captivating exploration of a man whose influence reshaped the course of Athenian history. Born around 495 BC, Pericles emerged as a prominent figure in Athenian politics during a turbulent era that spanned from the Greco-Persian Wars to the onset of the Peloponnesian War. Revered by his contemporaries, including the historian Thucydides, as "the first citizen of Athens, " Pericles transformed the Delian League into an Athenian empire, leading his people through the early years of the Peloponnesian conflict. But Pericles' impact extended far beyond the realm of politics. He was a patron of the arts and literature, elevating Athens to the pinnacle of cultural and educational excellence in the ancient Greek world. Under his visionary leadership, ambitious projects like the construction of the Parthenon on the Acropolis showcased Athens' grandeur and provided employment for its citizens. This biography delves into Pericles' commitment to Athenian democracy, even earning him the label of a populist by some critics. Descended from the influential Alcmaeonid family, his legacy was not without adversity, as he, along with members of his family, fell victim to the devastating Plague of Athens in 429 BC. Pericles is a captivating narrative that paints a vivid picture of a statesman, military leader, and cultural patron whose legacy still resonates in the annals of history. Discover how Pericles' vision and leadership shaped a golden era of democracy, art, and intellect in ancient Athens.
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16,90 CHF