BücherAngebote / Angebote:
Two manuscripts in one book:
Druidism for Beginners: An Essential Guide to Druidry and Everything You Need to Know about Druid Magic, Solitary Druids, and Celtic Spirituality
Norse Spirituality: Unlocking Norse Paganism, Shamanism, Magic, Asatru, Elder Futhark Runes, Divination, Spells, and Heathenry
Druidry is a fascinating path that will change how you perceive your life and the world around you. To become a modern druid, you should first travel back in time to learn everything about ancient Druidism and uncover all the knowledge that can help you on your path to practicing modern Druidry. This book will give you all the information you need to get started.
In the first part of this book, you will:
Learn about how modern Druidry came to be
Understand Neo-Druidic orders
Discover more about the sacred celebrations of Druidism
Learn about the Awen and how to work with it
Understand the importance of nature and trees in Druidry
Master connecting and working with trees
The second part will guide you through different practices of Norse magic. The information gathered in this book will help you see which tradition you feel aligned with the most. It will be the perfect stepping stone for the start of your own individual Norse magic practice, whichever it may be.
In the second part of this book, you will:
Learn all about the colorful background of the Old Norse religion and the true meaning of Norse Paganism
Learn how the Norse pantheon and cosmology helped shape the spiritual practices of the Norse people
Discover how the Norse view death and the afterlife
Understand the concepts of Asatru and Heathenry and the main differences between these two practices
Discover what Shamanism in Norse spirituality looks like and how Seiðr is performed
Master the art of working with the goddess Freya
Dive into journeying and make your first journey through Yggdrasill
Learn the history and practical side of Runic divination
Discover the secret behind the powerful Galdr magic and its connection to Seiðr
And much, much more!
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