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Out of the Clouds of Deceit

Angebote / Angebote:

In 1948, while training to fly bombers in the RAF, Aiden forms a friendship with another pilot, Dennis, who lost his brother in the war and cannot come to terms with his grief. Through contact with older serving officers, Aiden and Dennis come to understand the sense of betrayal nursed by bomber crews who flew in the allied bombing campaign of the Second World War. Shortly before completing their training, Dennis is killed in a dreadful accident. But their uncommonly close friendship has been crucial in the development of Aiden's character. Craving domesticity as much as love and sex, Dennis' death proves an urgent propellant for Aiden to marry Margaret, who soon becomes pregnant. Aiden takes part in Operation Grapple in the Pacific testing Britain's hydrogen bombs, flying an air-sampling aircraft through the mushroom clouds. By this time, Aiden and Margaret's marriage has become strained. However, when provoked by Margaret, Aiden discovers that there is something powerful and dark both in his love for Margaret and in his love for his son. The disconnection between them is bridged when the disappearance of their son forces them to acknowledge the legitimacy of innately different male and female needs and nurturing roles. Aiden eventually retires from flying and they achieve domestic harmony, but having been exposed to radiation during Operation Grapple, a sudden health diagnosis threatens their peaceful lives...Set in the Cold War period, Out of the Clouds of Deceit has been inspired in part by the ideas in Robert Bly's Iron John of what it means to be male in our society and will appeal to fans of historical and military fiction.
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


20,90 CHF