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Angebote / Angebote:

Three cunning scientists are on the verge of transforming humanity's very existence. With their Orion3 serum, the trio aims to give birth to a race of humans with special abilities ranging from the regeneration of lost limbs to unmatched intelligence and eidetic memory. Two unsuspecting test subjects have their lives forever changed through a labyrinth of confusion, horror, shock, and amazement. Jack Turner and a man simply known as the Mexican have their lives inexorably entwined with both men having to fight for not only their lives but for that in which they unequivocally believe. Sheriff Ryan Adersen and Deputy Dave Donahue are desperately trying to put an end to the horrific killings in their beloved town. Will the duo be able to restore the peace, or will Clover Vale forever be cast in a shadow of death and hopelessness? Orion3 is a morally disputed tale of good versus evil where the light does not always conquer the dark. Sometimes evil reigns to leave chaos in its wake. Sometimes death is dealt to those most undeserving. Yet sometimes it takes just one righteous man to vanquish the dark.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


38,50 CHF