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Odds Bodkins

Angebote / Angebote:

Continuing the story of the Quigley family, we join Rory and his family after he'd returned from Bailecath. 1970 was a bad year for Rory but, in spite of that, he wouldn't have changed a thing because he'd acquired a son and a daughter. Mawdie was an extraordinary ten year old orphan from Belfast while Lily was a four year old disabled Vietnamese orphan. Things were looking up until Rory realized he was still a target for demons. That didn't bother him as much as Lily's encounter with a huge snake. Though she was saved by a mysterious clown named Odds Bodkins, his anxiety about the demons going after his children was agonizing. The appearance of the clown, however, had a strange effect on Mawdie. It sent his mind back to his time in Belfast. It was up to Rory, Lily and their cousin, Jimmy, to help the boy deal with his past. What the future would be would take second-place until Mawdie felt better. But the future loomed suddenly in front of them with a threatening cloud. Could the Quigleys win again?
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


30,50 CHF