Ocean Tides
BücherAngebote / Angebote:
Did you know that high and low tides occur at different times throughout the day? The Earth, Moon, and Sun all exert a gravitational force on the water. During the spring and summer, the Moon's phases produce the highest and lowest tides. New and full moons are the times for these tides, and a neap tide occurs when the Moon is between the Earth and the Sun. The high-tide zone is flooded by water while low-tide is dry. This zone is also home to nudibranchs, marine animals, and sponges. Crabs and other animals in this zone are tough and cling to rocks. A variety of animals inhabit the low-tide zone. People can also be active in this zone. But be aware of the dangers. The water level will fluctuate rapidly during high tide. The Earth's tides produce three Terawatts of energy daily, which is three times the total amount of energy consumed by the entire world on a daily basis. Ocean tides create friction by rubbing against the ocean floor and dissipates the heat. This heat converts into energy and acts as a brake on the earth's rotation. Because of this, Earth's tides are affecting the length of the days and the speed of the earth's rotation. Although ocean tides are not visible at the surface of the ocean, many parts of the world have a large range of tidal levels. The Bay of Fundy in Canada has a 16.3-meter difference between high and low tide, while the highest tide in the US reaches 12.2 meters near Anchorage, Alaska. In the UK, tidal ranges vary from 0.5 to fifteen meters.
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