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No Reason

Angebote / Angebote:

Planes were crashing into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and a farmer's field. The country--no, the world was in shock. Two months later, a series of events began on a more personal level. It could have happened to anyone, but it happened to him and his family! Fired for no reason from a longtime job, it was like another plane had been commandeered and crashed into his life. Struggling to keep his family safe and provided for shortly after his divorce, long-term plans were being formulated for revenge. During this process, help was needed to save his girlfriend's son from being consumed by the legal system over a child fathered out of wedlock. Enter the world of fighting the lopsided courts and throw in a dilemma with drug traffickers. Resettled in Vermont, an encounter at a local bank turns into both a harrowing experience as well as a fortuitous event. Different jobs and a new relationship would help a family dealing with abuse, but tangling with escaped convicts in the woods would all help to mold him and his new girlfriend into better people. And then there was their trip to New York City!
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


27,90 CHF