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Nicholas Mickelby

Angebote / Angebote:

In the story of "Nicholas Mickelby: Shadow at Lighthouse Point, " D. P. Walton put a lot of his curiosity and independence into Nicholas, the main character. Nicholas roams the continent with his family. His dad, an event coordinator, travels abroad during the year as he takes Nicholas, Sis, Mrs. Mickelby, and Fern - their Scottish Collie - to many different places. There are plenty of opportunities for adventure in Crescent City. The Shadow, a tall, scary lighthouse watchman, keeps them running. Hidden treasure, caves, and a kite fair are just some of the excitement. Nicholas, with his summer time friends, Jason and Isaak, spy and search for the truth. It is fun, yet scary, in an exciting chase from thieves, bullies, and an old, mean, Mrs. Rumble, a grouchy neighbor, right to the fiery climax! Watch for Nicholas's next adventure, "Stranded on Dolphin Island!
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


41,50 CHF