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New Testament Doctrine

Angebote / Angebote:

Learn doctrines that are relevant in the New Testament bible . In this book chapters and verses are given a detailed expositional approach to the reader . Anyone who wants to study The New Testament Doctrine will find this book as the perfect answer to his or her quest . All the chapters in this book are full of expositions of the New Testament teaching by the Apostles , especially Paul . '' New Testament Doctrine is what governs the body of Christ and Christianity as a whole . This is the more reason why the church must study New Testament teachings . This book is highly recommended for church leaders , pastors , apostles , bible teachers and students alike . The kingdom is an atmosphere , environment , or rheam where the word of God has the final authority over the hearts of people . Where God's word reigns , where God's people hear the word of God and they obey . It is a kingdom , that is why the bible says the kingdom of God is among you '' nor will they say, 'See here!' or 'See there!' For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you." Luke 17 :21 When the word of God is the authority that controls your life , then you have the kingdom of God . The kingdom of God is an environment where people have received God's word and they obey it .'' '' Spiritual Understanding Spiritual understanding , is very important , is about understanding the word of God , understanding prayer , understanding the reason why we do praises , we do worship , understanding baptism , understanding preaching, understanding the cross of our Lord Jesus cross . Understanding heaven , eternity, the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ . Not everybody understands spiritual things , some people when we talk about spiritual things , is some kind of foolishness . The bible says in 1 Corinthians , 1:18 '' For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness, but unto us which are saved it is the power of God '' At times when we are preaching the word of God becomes foolishness for those who are perishing . When the word of God is foolishness, it means that it has no effect on you . It has no wisdom or knowledge , it does not make any sense for you . '' A quote from the book .
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