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  • New Hiking Trail Cast Shadow on the Tattooed

New Hiking Trail Cast Shadow on the Tattooed

Angebote / Angebote:

Raw, Real, and full of Fun." New Hiking Trail Cast Shadow on the Tattooed is a work of fiction. Born out of some fool's wild imagination. Told in wry humor, and a feeble attempt at poetry. Yes, word play is the order of the day around here too. With snippets of Jamaican Patois inserted here and there throughout, as may be found fitting. Yeah man, a Jamaica yaad mi cum fram, sorry, I meant to say, I'm Jamaican born and bred-okay? These well-sculptured, firm-bodied Cekko-warrior girls traverse diverse dimensions astride long-legged Zebra-striped beasts in search of the lost Genodes. Dishing out their brand of peace and passivity liberally along the way, not even special agent Shadow was to be spared. Yes, Shadow casting was a regular everyday occurrence in the Cekkoland sphere. Until he was force-pushed out and into the humanoid spheres, and now, look. Look at what they have gone and done... Note: No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any way without the written permission of the rights owner, E Lloyd Kelly, except as in the case of brief excerpts or quotations used for purposes of critical articles and reviews. This is a work of fiction and therefore, any references to people and their names, places, events, etc. are purely and solely figments of the author's imagination, and should not be construed as being real.
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