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Angebote / Angebote:

These poems, some interlacing in spirit and theme, others more solitary, surge from the heart and breast, stopping by the head now and again for some reflection -- they are somewhat abstract and ask many questions, most of which I could not answer -- Maybe that's why I write them -- to give me something to think about when I encounter them again -- Some may run on too long or suffer from being too short, it's difficult to tell -- I very much love the sounds of language and the waves it can produce -- as to meaning I have my ideas which include yearning, survival, our interaction with Nature, but nothing too specific -- If anything underlies all these poems it is a search, for a friend, a lover, a god, a self -- I believe there are spirits out there and that all things are sacred and waiting in some sense to be born -- I write from an urge to sculpt twisting figures in the sand, castles, magic, caves and crowds, hope and renewal --
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


40,50 CHF

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