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Mountain Bike Use on Shared Tracks

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Inhaltsangabe:Abstract: In the past years a lot of ¿new kinds of sport¿ were discovered as a form of outdoor recreation. Today the traditional walker has to share the tracks with a lot of other user groups. At present shared tracks often lead to conflicts between the ¿old¿ and the ¿new¿ user groups. One of the ¿new¿ groups is the Mountain Bike (MTB) group. Mountain biking seems to be the new wave sport of the nineties, but it all started in the early to mid 1970¿s with a few enthusiasts in the US. It became established internationally in the early 1980¿s. Mountain bikes began to appear in New Zealand from the mid 1980¿s, and since then are growing in popularity among all ages and genders. The popularity of the MTB is now changing the recreational patterns of the traditional outdoor user groups. A discernible number of people who have traditionally been walkers/trampers have now often changed their outdoor recreation use from walking to biking. This new type of track use seems to create conflicts in a social and physical way, and it appears that there are some problems between walkers/trampers and mountain bikers. To get all these information different questionnaires were designed, adequate for every user group. Inhaltsverzeichnis:Table of Contents: TABLE OF CONTENTSI TABLE CONTENTSIII DIAGRAM CONTENTSV PICTURE CONTENTSV LIST OF ABBREVIATIONSVI CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION2 1.1Introduction - Survey Background3 1.2Survey Objectives4 1.3The Scope Of This Paper4 CHAPTER TWO: NEW ZEALAND6 2.1Facts About The Country7 2.1.1Introduction7 2.1.2Geography And Geology7 2.1.3Climate10 2.2Flora & Fauna11 2.2.1Introduction11 2.2.2Flora11 2.2.3Fauna13 2.3History And Politics14 2.3.1History14 2.3.2Modern New Zealand15 CHAPTER THREE: THE MARLBOROUGH SOUNDS18 3.1Introduction19 3.2Geography And Geology20 3.2.1Position20 3.2.2Geology20 3.3Climate21 3.4Flora & Fauna21 3.4.1Flora21 3.4.2Fauna23 3.5History24 CHAPTER FOUR: BACKGROUND INFORMATION DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION (DOC) AND MOUNTAIN BIKES (MTBS)25 4.1Department Of Conservation (DOC)26 4.1.1The Role Of DOC - History And Structure26 4.1.2Doc And MTBs28 4.1.3Statutes For The Management Of MTBs29 4.2An Introduction To Mountain Biking31 4.2.1History31 4.2.2MTB In New Zealand - A Growing Sport31 4.2.3Impacts And Conflicts32 Impacts33 Of [...]
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