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Moonlight Madness

Angebote / Angebote:

Thunder McCloud, a divorced woman whose life is in turmoil, faces additional challenges when she discovers someone has broken into her Neo-classic house to clean it. She keeps her handsome significant other baffled and bewildered after she gives him a six-week evaluation on being a friend, lover, and potential husband. He tells her, "Wasn't it just last month that you hosted a black-tie dinner at two thousand dollars a plate, in my honor, and presented me with the Brave Badge of Courage Award?" Thunder carries with her emotional baggage that has had her nametag on it since childhood -- baggage that is never lost! Her problems escalate when a psychiatrist takes her to a secluded cabin to convince her that her lover is a figment of her imagination, that he and she are married, and that she is recovering from a nervous breakdown. A subplot takes the reader on a wild journey with a country gentleman from Thunder's past. Now, a serial killer, they are destined to meet again.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


33,90 CHF

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