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Mishnah rabbis

Angebote / Angebote:

Source: Wikipedia. Pages: 78. Chapters: Judah haNasi, Shammai, Akiva ben Joseph, Elisha ben Abuyah, Joshua ben Hananiah, Hillel the Elder, Eliezer ben Hurcanus, Tannaim, Eleazar ben Azariah, Eliezer ben Jose, Gamaliel, Rabbi Meir, Hanina Ben Dosa, Yochanan ben Zakai, Simeon ben Azzai, Zugot, Rabbi Ishmael, Shimon ben Gamliel II, Hoshaiah Rabbah, Simon ben Zoma, Haninah, Tarfon, Jose ben Halafta, Simeon the Just, Akabia ben Mahalalel, Haninah ben Teradion, Simeon ben Shetach, Gamaliel II, Shimon bar Yochai, Dosetai, Eleazar ben Shammua, Abtalion, Rabbi Hiyya b. Abba, Phinehas ben Jair, Rabbi Jonathan, Jose the Galilean, Baba ben Buta, Jonathan ben Uzziel, Eleazar ben Arach, Judah ben Bathyra, Yose ben Yoezer, Eleazar Chisma, Yochanan ben Nuri, Ishmael ben Jose, Rabbi Nathan, Simeon Shezuri, Honi HaM'agel, House of Shammai, Levi ben Sisi, Onkelos, Sh'maya, Abba Hilkiah, Symmachus ben Joseph, Nahum of Gimzo, Hanina ben Hakinai, Nehunya ben ha-Kanah, Eleazar ben Perata I, Huna Kamma, Menahem the Essene, Rabbi Bana'ah, Eliezer ben Jacob II, Judah ben Ilai, Yehoshua ben Gamla, Jose ben Yochanan, Antigonus of Sokho, Hanina Segan ha-Kohanim, Bar Kappara, Abba Saul ben Batnit, Hananiah b. Hezekiah b. Garon, Eleazar ha-Kappar, Abba Jose ben Hanan, Joshua ben Perachyah, Nittai of Arbela, Yochanan Hasandlar, Gamaliel III, Haninah ben Ahi R. Joshua, Matteya ben Heresh, Joshua Ben Karha, Efes Daromi, House of Hillel, Rabbi Josiah, Jose ben Kisma, Me'asha, Jose ben Akabya, Judah ben Baba, Simeon ben Eleazar, Ishmael ben Elisha ha-Kohen, Rabbi Nehemiah, Eleazar b. Simeon, Rabbi Ilai I, Johanan ben Baroka, Rabbi Yannai, Issi ben Judah, Johanan ben Torta, Shmuel haKatan, Abtolemus, Judah ben Tabbai, Hanina ben Antigonus, Shimon ben Hillel, Dosa ben Harkinas, Admon, Jeshbab the Scribe, Jose b. Judah. Excerpt: Akiva ben Joseph (ca.17-ca.137 CE) simply known as Rabbi Akiva (Hebrew: ¿), was a tanna of the latter part of the 1st century and the beginning of the 2nd century (3rd tannaitic generation). He was a great authority in the matter of Jewish tradition, and one of the most central and essential contributors to the Mishnah and Midrash Halakha. He is referred to in the Talmud as "Rosh la-Chachamim" (Head of all the Sages). He is considered by tradition to be one of the earliest founders of rabbinical Judaism. He is the seventh most frequently mentioned sage in the Mishnah. A great many legends have been passed down about Akiva. But despite the rich mass of material afforded by rabbinical sources, only an incomplete portrait can be drawn of the man who marked out the path followed by rabbinical Judaism for almost two millennia. Rebbe Akiva ben Joseph (written ¿¿¿¿¿ in the Babylonian talmud, and ¿¿¿¿¿ in the Jerusalem talmud - another form for ¿¿¿¿¿) who is usually called simply Akiba, was of comparatively humble parentage. A misunderstanding of the expression "Zechus Avos" (Ber. l.c.), joined to a tradition concerning Sisera, captain of the army of Hazor (Gi¿. 57b, Sanh. 96b), is the source of another tradition (Nissim Gaon to Ber. l.c.), which makes Akiva a descendant of Sisera. Of the romantic story of Akiva's marriage with the daughter of the wealthy Jerusalemite, Kalba Savua, whose shepherd he is said to have been (see below "Akiba and his wife" and "His relationship with his wife"), only this is known to be true: that Akiva was a shepherd (Yeb. 86b, compare ibid. 16a). His wife's name was Rachel (Ab. R. N. ed. S. Schechter, vi. 29), and she was the da...
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