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Angebote / Angebote:

Miraculously defying the odds, the SS Fort Lauderhall survived a torpedo attack while in convoy during WWII. Strategists put forward various reasons as to why she hadn't sunk, but could they be wrong? Perhaps the SS Fort Lauderhall was ill-starred from the beginning? A decade or so later she was found by a fast cargo passenger liner drifting in the South Atlantic - abandoned, except for two bodies. The search party which boarded her discovered ominous signs of something untoward but nothing to indicate why she had been left crewless, or why her hands had taken to only two of the four lifeboats. Was it mutiny or sea gremlins? Had sea fever turned some of her crew into mass murderers? Or had some disastrous phenomena overtaken her? Under the command of a less than inspiring captain the outlook of her ill-starred beginning manifests itself. Only after discovering why her hands take to the lifeboats, can answers be found.
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


20,50 CHF

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