Maharishi Patanjali Pratipadit Ashtanga Yoga: સ,ં,સ,્,ક,ૃ,ત, ષ,્,લ,ો,ક, ન,ુ,
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About Book: Maharishi Patanjali Pratipadit Ashtanga YogaIt is a known fact that the body affects the mind and the mind affects the body. But, the effect of the mind on the body is greater than one realizes. Yoga's role in helping the body become resilient to stress (a part of our modern lifestyle) without harming the body (staying healthy) is gaining new importance.According to Maharishi Patanjali's definition of yoga, yoga is attained by the inhibition of the mind. His method is Ashtanga Yoga. These eight stages are so important that by restraining the tendencies of the mind, it can be brought to the highest level of samadhi and can be made to pursue the supreme element. Patanjali prescribed an eight-limbed process to reach the goal known as Ashtanga Yoga. The eight limbs are Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi. Yoga's role in helping one become resilient to stress (a part of our modern lifestyle), without harming the body (staying healthy) is gaining new importance.Ashtanga yoga is not a separate eight-step path but an eight-dimensional path, in which all eight dimensions are practiced.Ashtanga yoga is a matter of direct experience rather than reading or lectures.
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