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Luz da Liberal, e Nobre Arte da Cavalaria

Angebote / Angebote:

Luz da liberal, e nobre arte da cavallaria por Manoel de Andrade (1790). Guia aos que quiserem seguir as regras mais próprias da Liberal , e Nobre Arte da Cavallaria , tão precisa , e praticada em todos os Paises da Europa , da África , da Ásia , da América , e ainda dos Povos mais rudes , e bárbaros que eles contêm. Tratarei somente daquelas Regras , que tiverem repetidas vezes sido averiguadas por mim , ou pelos Autores que cito." english: This work will serve to guide those who wish to follow the rules more typical of the Liberal and Noble Art of cavalry, so precise, and practiced in all countries of Europe, Africa, Asia, America, and even the rudest of Peoples, and barbarians they contain. I will address only those rules that have repeatedly been investigated by me or by the authors that I quote and I will do that in any sort of pace, and management work of my explanation is accompanied of the reasons more obvious, and clear, to me as possible.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


59,90 CHF

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