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Light and Shade in Verse

Angebote / Angebote:

In "Light and Shade in Verse, " the reader is invited into a world where the dichotomy of brightness and darkness finds harmony in stanzas. This collection of poetry is a journey through the contrasting elements of life, where each poem serves as a vignette capturing a moment of clarity or an embrace of the enigmatic shadows.From the delicate break of dawn to the assertive descent of night, these poems explore the myriad experiences of the human heart. The poet weaves through themes of love and loss, joy and sorrow, hope and despair, illuminating the nuanced emotions that decorate our days and haunt our nights.With each turn of the page, "Light and Shade in Verse" offers a sanctuary where the light is cradled in the arms of the dark, suggesting that perhaps it is within this balance that beauty truly resides. The verses herein resonate with the quiet strength of vulnerability and the thunderous impact of revelation, speaking to the soul in a language both timeless and immediate. Copyright © 2023 Book Fairy Publishing
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


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