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Angebote / Angebote:

Levi Clayton Furstman, a husband and father in his early 50s, struggles to understand society's fascination with reality television, the entertainment world and the need to be constantly connected to the Cloud by means of the latest apps available for the iMeme (Apple's latest must-have personal electronic device that includes a nano-camera and a two-way communication device implanted directly into one's nervous system). But his whole world is turned upside-down when American nano-scientists (working in conjunction with DARPA) not only perfect molecular manufacturing and distribute Genesis replicators to every American household, but also introduce PreVentall - an inoculation involving nanobots that restores health and bestows eternal youth. Clay's hesitancy to receive the inoculation while his wife and friends all physically return to their youth causes Clay to reexamine his personal relationships, including his renewed friendship with Eva, the daughter of a close friend who shares his love of literature (which has been rapidly disappearing over the past several years) but who he discovers has been working alongside a DARPA military officer involved in the Genesis project. As one of the last remaining "old" persons in America, Clay begins to question his purpose in life, and, after a chance encounter with a mysterious homeless man, ultimately, what it means to be human.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


18,90 CHF