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Land of Mottob

Angebote / Angebote:

Everyone has wished for something. How wishes are made are as different as those making them. Some blow out candles on a cake, some wish upon the first star seen at night, and others wish upon a falling star. People toss coins in fountains while others toss them into wishing wells. Can buttons be used for making wishes instead of coins? Enter the Land of Mottob with Becca. Join in her adventure along the many paths through the kingdom. Meet unusual beings and learn their well kept secrets of granting wishes. This quiet kingdom, which is under every wishing well, has its share of problems from unwanted humans to troublesome creatures living in its underworld. Wishes, coins, and buttons are a part of the magical kingdom waiting for you in this first book: The Land of Mottob.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


18,90 CHF