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Jennifer's Destiny

Angebote / Angebote:

Dear Readers, Never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine I'd be writing this to you, but here goes. I always assumed someone else would write about the author, but this time I decided to do it myself. I'm not much of a reader, mostly for research, but I love to write, poetry, newspaper articles, short stories, and that's what sort of got this project started. More years ago than I'd like to admit my mom, knowing I like to write, sent me a magazine she subscribed to with a note on the front to look on a certain page where I found a full page describing an amateur writing contest they have every year. It's been so long ago that I don't remember what the prize amount was, but it was five figures I do remember that and it could only be up to 25, 000 words, I think. Gee, I thought that was an awful lot of words. Had no idea what I might write about, but agreed I'd give it some thought.Then one day on the USPS rural one hundred and nine miles mail route I used to run an incident that happened to one of the girls in our high school years ago crossed my mind. I was never sure how the unfortunate situation was handled, but while I drove the rest of the route I began to imagine what I'd would do if I was in the same situation. That was the beginning of my short story. I'd think of something out on one of those lonely roads, like it and couldn't wait until I could get home and put it on paper. When I finished that idea the story contained too many words to enter their contest.And besides that it didn't feel finished to me anyway. That's when my vivid imagination really began to work overtime. As it happened at the time I was going through a divorce and had an abundance of time on my hands, so just let my mind wander. Where would the story go from there? And why? What motivation would that girl have? Really! But fate had in for her something she, like me, could never have imagined. I hope you like what she did, experienced, learned and enjoyed along the way. I think she did! Donah
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