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It's Only a Matter of Time

Angebote / Angebote:

Flloyd Kennedy is an actress, director, singer-songwriter, creator of the audio comedy podcast "Am I Old Yet?". She was born and raised in North Queensland, Australia and moved to the UK in the late 1960 where she married and raised two sons in Scotland. In this her third collection of poetry, she writes about anything and everything, from whales in space to screensavers and face masks, with a light touch, profoundly felt. Flloyd presently lives in Liverpool, UK, and regularly performs with the local poetry groups, as well as making brief appearances in the odd TV commercial, or local film. "Flloyd Kennedy manages to be both accessible and sneakily subtle - a combination that never fails to have me hanging on to every word. This is whether in her podcasts which are deceptively domestic or her prolific poems or captivating and gently savage songs. They are all worth exploring." Frankie Armstrong
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


26,50 CHF