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Invest Like An Aardvark For Kids

Angebote / Angebote:

James M. Russo is the founder and chief investment strategist of Altrius Capital Management. Jim's military service as a Naval Aviator in the U.S. Marine Corps gave him a unique global perspective. His extensive travel and residences from small towns to larger cities across the country for much of the past forty years has given him a singular understanding of the American economy. The combination of these two life experiences has provided Jim with a unique financial perspective distinctly different from the multitude of experts, analysts, and investment managers immersed in the Wall Street mentality. While much of the industry chases momentum, Jim remains fearlessly against popular opinion, like the aardvark he has chosen to represent his investment philosophy. When daily news events drive investors to overreact, Jim calmly asks, "What impact does this have on how many hamburgers are eaten in China or chocolate consumed in Latin America?" Since the day Jim founded Altrius in 1997, he has always remembered that his clients have entrusted him with their life savings. A former All-American boxer, captain of the Naval Academy boxing team, and Marine officer, Jim has led his clients over the past two and a half turbulent decades. He has guided his clients by example, investing side-by-side with them in his distinctive value-based, income-focused investment discipline. Despite the accolades he has received for his sustained investment success, Jim remains refreshingly modest, and believes humility-a trait in short supply on Wall Street-is a vital attribute that enables investors to live to fight another day and not blow up their future retirement savings.
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42,90 CHF