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Angebote / Angebote:

program, andallthesessionchairsandspeakersfortheirtimeande?ort. Special thanks to Yi Mu, Laura Olsen, Rajan Shankaran, and Michael Hitchens for theirhelpwithlocalorganizationdetails. Finally, Iwouldliketothankallthe authorswhosubmittedpapersandalltheparticipantsofACISP2001. Ihope thattheprofessionalcontactsmadeatthisconference, thepresentations, and theproceedingshaveo?eredyouinsightsandideasthatyoucanapplytoyour owne?ortsinsecurityandprivacy. July2001 VijayVaradharajan AUSTRALASIANCONFERENCEON INFORMATIONSECURITYANDPRIVACY ACISP2001 Sponsoredby MacquarieUniversity AustralianComputerSociety General Chair: VijayVaradharajan MacquarieUniversity, Australia Program Chairs: VijayVaradharajan MacquarieUniversity, Australia YiMu MacquarieUniversity, Australia Program Committee: RossAnderson CambridgeUniversity, UK ColinBoyd QueenslandUniversityofTechnology, Australia EdDawson QueenslandUniversityofTechnology, Australia YvoDesmedt FloridaStateUniversity, USA PaulEngland Microsoft YairFrankel ColumbiaUniversity, USA AjoyGhosh UNISYS, Australia DieterGollman Microsoft JohnGordon ConceptLabs, UK KwangjoKim ICU, Korea ChuchangLiu DSTO, Australia MasahiroMambo TohokuUniversity, Japan WenboMao Hewlett-PackardLab. , UK ChrisMitchell LondonUniversity, UK EijiOkamoto UniversityofWisconsin, USA JoePato Hewlett-PackardLab. , USA JosefPieprzyk MacquarieUniversity, Australia BartPreneel KatholiekeUniversity, Belgium SteveRoberts WithamPtyLtd, Australia QingSihan AcademyofScience, China ReiSafavi-Naini UniversityofWollongong, Australia JenniferSeberry UniversityofWollongong, Australia YuliangZheng MonashUniversity, Australia TableofContents AFewThoughtsonE-Commerce. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 YacovYacobi NewCBC-MACForgeryAttacks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 KarlBrincat, ChrisJ. Mitchell CryptanalysisofaPublicKeyCryptosystemProposedatACISP2000. . . . 15 AmrYoussef, GuangGong ImprovedCryptanalysisoftheSelf-ShrinkingGenerat
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