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Myth has it, that in the dark forests of Berkshire, England, a lonesome young Wren finds herself rattling around in an austere castle.Wren's books and swords become her companions. King Belodawn blames his daughter for the disappearance of her mother, but things are about to change as Wren tries her hand in a sword contest and binds herself to impossible wagers.When Wren is befriended by Aleric, son of the castle cook, she believes through him that she will discover a way to escape the confines of her loneliness.Daring to leave the kingdom of Greenham, the spirited Wren ventures to Shaw, the land of King Olerion. There she is confronted with a task so impossible, she will need something beyond her own strength to carry her through. Her greatest strength has led her into bondage to a nightmarish dragon. Will she be able to win her quest for freedom or be forever indebted?Readers' Favorite Reviewers Describing a time of dragons, witches, and sword fighting, Indebted takes you to a place where a young princess blames herself for her mother's disappearance.The style and theme of Charmayne Hafen's writing is comparable to works from authors such as Suzanne Collins, J.R.R. Tolkien, and C.S. Lewis. Indebted is centered on a strong female character, Princess Wren, whose loneliness sends her on an adventure that changes her life forever. Without a mother to guide her and with a father that abandoned her, Wren unknowingly seeks companionship and acceptance from others. When faced with imprisonment or death-by-dragon, Princess Wren finds she has another Father on whom she can always rely. She is tied to a vow from which only death can release her and wonders how she could ever have a normal life. I found Indebted to be an art piece, lovingly penned by an author who took great care in developing her characters. This is an excellent novel, not only for enjoyment but also for the moral ethics outlined through this character. - Peggy Jo Wipf Readers' Favorite Reviewers The passing of time in the story is handled slightly differently compared to most fantasy novels I've read, where a character's younger years are summarized in flashbacks. Hafen, on the other hand, ages Wren up from 12 to 17, and finally to 18 years old, while telling her story at the same time in clear-cut prose. This suits the character-driven tale, as Wren struggles with the memories of her cynical mother and her estranged father. The plot has a good twist, and the sketches serve wonderfully as illustrations for Indebted. At its heart, Indebted is about parental issues, forgiveness, love, confidence, inner strength, friendship, greed, and-to a great extent-faith. It's a well-written and thought-provoking tale from Hafen.- Lit Amri I know a lot of people will find it hard to put Christianity and an epic fantasy together, but Indebted has both of these elements and works very well. In fact, it was this uniqueness that made it stand out from other fantasy novels I've read before. - Maureen Dangarembizi #ghosts #angels #scary #coming of age #sorcery #magic #romance #action #adventure
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