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How to Sue Amazon Without a Lawyer

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How to Sue Amazon Without a Lawyer. I just filed the complaint included in this book. This big bully had blocked 17 books before the end of 2021 by the most published non-fiction author in America. Everybody knows that your business will be severely punished if you decide to mess with Amazon, even if you are 100% right. 17 of my books since 2020 were censored because of the same reason this next guy was blocked: I do not write novels. I THINK what I "did wrong" was to use what they consider "widely available facts" but they lied and I proved it. Here is an analogy I got on the Internet: "IF YOU WRITE ABOUT THE MONA LISA ON AMAZON, YOU WILL ALSO NEED WIDELY AVAILABLE PICTURES BECAUSE THOSE ARE THE ONLY ONES AVAILABLE AT ALL!!! THE LOUVRE WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO TAKE YOUR OWN PICTURES, THUS NO BOOKS ABOUT THE MONA LISA???? Try dealing with an Amazon reviewer who hopes one day to achieve a high school degree and yet has a quota for rejected (blocked-censored) manuscripts. Amazon reviewers are like the brownshirts of the publishing industry. They are very matter of fact, uncaring, and unhelpful. Instead of helping correct mistakes, the Amazon reviewer hides the specific hoping the correction cannot be made. I sued in small claims court and won. Amazon appealed. I Just filed reply complaint. It is going to cost Amazon in the $millions. Ask any author facing the "Amazon content review" The reviewer will not tell you specifically what is wrong with your submission. Then, you make an argument and if they respond at all, they do not address the points you make. Instead they tell you that the book will be blocked in five days after their evaluation. On September 15 this year, Amazon took their final punitive step-they canceled me. They call it terminated. They are about to pay. They terminated my account and kept my files and as of September 30, 2021, they no longer sell my books. I contested, threatened, sued, and cursed them under my breath but Amazon as a company is 40 million times larger than Lets Go Publish!, my pint sized company. Eventually Amazon KDP reviewers chose not to respond to emails and so all my books are censored now. No reason! See what happens when you complain. I am canceled by Amazon. But, they have a big wallet and they will need it. Some authors, such as me, publish their books only on Amazon. After 17 books being blocked this year alone because I dared write about the COVID-19, I'm asking: is it possible for me to publish my books without using Amazon at all? Well, maybe! But the point is Amazon has no right to seize my business or not market my books. They will pay. Amazon told me I was bad because I used facts that were also on the Internet but they would not give page or chapter references. This is a free speech violation by a monopoly. Ask others why they use a monopoly to print their books-not many choices is the answer. Am I ideologically censored? They give no phone number. They ignore emails. Then poof, they cancel me. But like the Highwaymen, I am still alive. I will present my own case in court and I have already reported them to the FTC? This travesty cannot stand.
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26,90 CHF