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Holy Rascals

Angebote / Angebote:

God is real. Everything we say about God is made up. Holy Rascals is a rousing call to anyone ready to go beyond "isms" and ideologies, and live in the world as a liberating force of justice, compassion, and joy."Holy rascals are spiritual culture jammers who use humor, play, creativity, and critical thinking to reveal the human origins of religions-and how religions mask their true origins behind the conceit of divine origins, " writes Rabbi Rami. Here, he illuminates:. The making of a holy rascal and the great task of "freeing religion from the parochial and for the perennial". The art of "hacking the holy, " or pulling back the curtain on religion's fear-based mechanisms of control. The provocative tools and one-of-a-kind practices of the holy rascal, with guidance for creating your very own "rascally" ways"Holy rascality is about rekindling spiritual creativity and critical thinking, " explains Rabbi Rami. "It is about freeing the human capacity for religiosity-the capacity for making meaning-from the confines of brand-name religion. Holy rascals are playful and lighthearted. While our task is serious-the liberation of humanity from the madness of unhealthy and harmful religions and religious beliefs-our attitude is not." Holy Rascals brings you Rabbi Rami's one-of-a-kind inspiration, humor, and practical insight to help you on your mission.
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


24,90 CHF