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Holidays In Eastern France

Angebote / Angebote:

Holidays in Eastern France" by Matilda Betham-Edwards is a captivating travelogue that immerses readers within the scenic splendor, cultural richness, and historical allure of the eastern regions of France. Published inside the 19th century, the book serves as a vivid exploration of the author's trips through picturesque landscapes, fascinating villages, and historical towns. Matilda Betham-Edwards, recognized for her keen observations and descriptive prose, weaves a narrative that now not most effective captures the essence of the places she visits however additionally delves into the neighborhood customs, traditions, and the precise way of lifestyles in Eastern France. As a carried out journey author and novelist, Betham-Edwards combines her literary prowess with an authentic interest approximately the humans and locations she encounters throughout her travels. Through her eyes, readers are transported to the coronary heart of Eastern France, experiencing the attraction of the countryside, the architectural marvels, and the vibrant neighborhood cultures. Whether detailing the serene landscapes of Alsace, the historical significance of Strasbourg, or the culinary delights of the region, the author gives a complete and mesmerizing account that makes "Holidays in Eastern France" a timeless adventure for armchair travelers and records fanatics alike.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


22,50 CHF