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  • History of the United States of America, Volume VI: From the Discovery of the Continent

History of the United States of America, Volume VI: From the Discovery of the Continent

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A Dusty Tomes Audio BookIn Cooperation with Spoken RealmsVolume 6 of History of the United States of America: From the Discovery of the Continent by George Bancroft. A Major U.S. History Series in 6 Volumes. "The Author's Last Revision" 1891 by D. Appleton and Company.Bancroft was U.S. Secretary of the Navy established the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis. He was a senior American diplomat in Europe, leading diplomatic missions to Britain and Germany. His comprehensive study of the origins and development of the United States caused him to be referred to as the "Father of American history."When first published, History created a sensation...It remained a bestseller throughout the nineteenth century, making him a wealthy man." --George Bancroft: Master Historian by George Athan BilliasCONTENTS OF THE SIXTH VOLUME: THE FORMATION OF THE AMERICAN CONSTITUTION IN FIVE BOOKSI - THE CONFEDERATION.CHAPTER I. A RETROSPECTIVE. MOVEMENTS TOWARD UNION. 1643-1781.CHAPTER II. THE STRUGGLE FOR REVENUE. 1781-1782.CHAPTER III. AMERICA AND GREAT BRITAIN. 1782-1783.CHAPTER IV. AMERICA AND CONTINENTAL EUROPE. 1783.CHAPTER V. A CALL ON THE ARMY TO INTERPOSE. March 1783.CHAPTER VI. THE AMERICAN ARMY AND ITS CHIEF. March 1783.CHAPTER VII. DISBANDING THE ARMY. March -July 1783.II.- ON THE WAY TO A FEDERAL CONVENTION. 1783-1787.CHAPTER I. HOW THE LAND RECEIVED THE LEGACY OF WASHINGTON. June-December 1783.CHAPTER II. VIRGINIA STATESMEN LEAD TOWARD A BETTER UNION. 1784.CHAPTER III. THE WEST. 1784-1785.CHAPTER IV. THE REGULATION OF COMMERCE. THE FIFTH CONGRESS. 1784-1785.CHAPTER V. OBSTACLES TO UNION REMOVED OR QUIETED. 1783-1787.CHAPTER VI. STATES LAWS IMPAIRING THE OBLIGATION OF CONTRACTS PROVE THE NEED OF AN OVERRULING UNION. Before May 1787.CHAPTER VII. CONGRESS CONFESSES ITS HELPLESSNESS. 1783-1786.CHAPTER VIII. VIRGINIA INVITES DEPUTIES OF THE SEVERAL LEGISLATURES OF THE STATES TO MEET IN CONVENTION. September 1786 to May 1787.CHAPTER XVII. FRANCE AND THE UNITED STATES. December 1777 to April 1778.III.-THE FEDERAL CONVENTION.CHAPTER I. THE INSTITUTION IN OUTLINE. 14 May to 18 June 1787.CHAPTER II. NEW JERSEY CLAIMS AN EQUAL REPRESENTATION OF THE STATES. From the Fifteenth to the Nineteenth of June 1787.CHAPTER III. THE CONNECTICUT COMPROMISE. From the Nineteenth of June to the Second of July 1787.CHAPTER IV. THE ADJUSTMENT OF REPRESENTATION. From the Third to the Twenty-third of July 1787.CHAPTER V. THE OUTLINE OF THE CONSTITUTION COMPLETE AND REFERRED. From the Seventeenth to the Twenty-seventh of July 1787.CHAPTER VI. THE COLONIAL SYSTEM OF THE UNITED STATES. From January 1786 to July 1787.CHAPTER VII. THE CONSTITUTION IN DETAIL. THE POWERS OF CONGRESS. From the Sixth of August to the Tenth of September 1787.CHAPTER VIII. THE CONSTITUTION IN DETAIL. THE POWERS OF CONGRESS, CONTINUED. From the Middle to the End of August 1787.CHAPTER IX. THE PRESIDENT. July, August, and September 1787.CHAPTER X. THE FEDERAL JUDICIARY. August and September 1787.CHAPTER XI. THE LAST DAYS OF THE CONVENTION. From the Twelfth to the Seventeenth of September 1787.IV.- THE PEOPLE OF THE STATES IN JUDGMENT ON THE CONSTITUTION. 1787-1788.CHAPTER I. THE CONSTITUTION IN CONGRESS AND IN VIRGINIA. September to November 1787.CHAPTER II. THE CONSTITUTION IN PENNSYLVANIA, DELAWARE, AND NEW JERSEY, AND IN GEORGIA. From 18 September 1787 to 2 January 1788.CHAPTER III. THE CONSTITUTION IN CONNECTICUT AND MASSACHUSETTS. From 26 September 1787 to 6 February 1788.CHAPTER IV. THE CONSTITUTION IN NEW HAMPSHIRE, MARYLAND, AND SOUTH CAROLINA. From February to the Twenty-third of May 1788.CHAPTER V. THE CONSTITUTION IN VIRGINIA AND IN NEW HAMPSHIRE. From May 1785 to the Twenty-fifth of June 1788.V. - THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. JUNE 1787.CHAPTER I. THE CONSTITUTION. 1787.CHAPTER II. THE LINGERING STATES. From 1787 to the Second of August 1788.CHAPTER III. THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES. From 1788 to the Fifth of May 1789.Audio cover picture - From a painting of George Bancroft by Richter.>)
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