Stealing from Alejandro Martinez was supposed to be an easy job, just like the rest.It's what I do.I'm a bandit.Thief.Con artist.Imposter.>I was warned that if I were caught, I should make my peace.He's not just any Mob boss.He is feared all around the world.>I was caught.>First, he tormented me.>Then he possessed me.>Then he left me confused.Gave me everything I've ever wanted then ripped it away from me.Making me doubt if anything we ever had was real or if it was all part of his bedevilment." />
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His to Bedevil

Angebote / Angebote:

Bedevil"The word has a few definitions.To torment diabolically, to possess with the devil himself, to cause confusion or doubt in.>Stealing from Alejandro Martinez was supposed to be an easy job, just like the rest.It's what I do.I'm a bandit.Thief.Con artist.Imposter.>I was warned that if I were caught, I should make my peace.He's not just any Mob boss.He is feared all around the world.>I was caught.>First, he tormented me.>Then he possessed me.>Then he left me confused.Gave me everything I've ever wanted then ripped it away from me.Making me doubt if anything we ever had was real or if it was all part of his bedevilment.
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25,90 CHF