Hammerhead Sharks
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If you've ever wondered what these sharks look like, you're not alone. The vast majority of people don't realize how much they've been missing out on! Hammerhead sharks are some of the most fascinating creatures on earth, and these facts will give you a better understanding of this awesome animal. Read on to discover more! Hammerhead sharks can be found in the waters around the Galapagos Islands, and are one of the most popular sharks in the ocean. In addition to their scaly bodies, hammerheads also have a special sense of smell and touch. Their head has a special organ called the ampullae of Lorenzini, which enables them to detect small electrical impulses. This means they can even sense the heartbeat of humans from miles away. While hammerheads aren't known to bite people, they can still be a dangerous predator for humans. Hammerhead sharks are related to the carcharhinid Scoliodon laticaudus and the spadenose shark. These two sharks have been thought to have evolved from the same ancestor. Their unusually wide head is responsible for their name, as it helps them catch stingrays. Hammerheads' head is flat and T-shaped, and their eyes are set wide to aid their visual range. Scalloped hammerheads are similar to Great Hammerheads, but they are smaller than Great Hammerheads. Their dorsal fin is elongated, with the eyes and gills located at the end. Scalloped hammerheads also have a distinctive indentation on the front of their arched head. Their teeth are triangular in shape and have serrated edges. The great hammerhead shark is the largest of the nine species of hammerhead sharks. It is the most popular species, and is also one of the most popular in the seas. Its dorsal fin is also shaped like a sickle.
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