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  • Gottschee veraj Koevska danes, Gottschee yesterday Koevska today

Gottschee veraj Koevska danes, Gottschee yesterday Koevska today

Angebote / Angebote:

To je to, kar je! Knjiga je konana, v njej je uporabljenih veliko besed in nekatere so morda tudi dosegle odprto uho. Izdali smo jo z namenom, da je v knjigi, kar je, zato da ne bi nihe nipozabil. Po drugi strani pa je veliko ?e znanega, in tisto, kar je ?e zdavnaj pozabljeno, je spet med nami. Tako so se trudili pisarji in muzealci, da bi povezali stare spise in na?li resnico. Mi smo to napisali, po svoji svobodni volji, v iskrenem prizadevanju, da izrazimo resnico o ?ivljenju. Odpustili nam boste. To je le ohlapen okvir, vendar je to to, kar je. It Is What It Is! A book is finished, many words used in it and also some perhaps, an open ear has reached, so is this structure, to the purpose, in the book, what it is, that nobody forgets it. Also on the other hand, much known already and what is long forgotten, has been among them. Thus, scribes and museum operators struggled, to bind the old writings and to find the truth. We, who wrote this here, at free will, in honest striving, the truth in life give expression to it. You will forgive. It is only a loose framework, but it is what it is.
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


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