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Glossolalia and the Problem of Language

Angebote / Angebote:

In Glossolalia and the Problem of Language, linguistic anthropologist Nicholas Harkness argues that speaking in tongues lies at the intersection of numerous, often contradictory social forces, syncretic legacies, and spiritual desires that are amplified by Christianity's massive institutionalization in Korea, his field site, and elsewhere. Investigating the "semiotic alchemy" of the practice, Harkness explores how the allure and spiritual power of glossolalia tests the ideological heart of language and its limits-and uproots our understanding of language's function as a simple practical tool for information exchange. As evangelicalism spreads through East Asia, Africa, and the Americas, Glossolalia and the Problem of Language offers a careful and ambitious analysis of one of its most puzzling practices while marking a major advancement in our understanding of the power of language"--
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46,90 CHF
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