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General Histology of the Mammal

Angebote / Angebote:

In this book, concerned with the spatial and structural repre­ sentation of the cell and its particular specializations, the author hasdeviatedconsiderablyfrom the usual planfor other books related to this subject and has presented the illustrative material in the form of detailed and accurate drawings. The layout of the book provides the reader with a briefnarrative accountoftheparticularorganelleaccompanied byafull-plate illustration on the facing page. Most ofthe narrative accounts areaccompaniedbyashortbibliographyofgermanereferences in the event the reader desires to pursue the subject matter in greater depth. In my estimation there is no other presentation currentlyavailablewhich utilizes thisapproach to demonstrate the cellular components and their associated morphophysi­ ology with such elegance. Thetextisclearlywrittenand, althoughtheindividualaccounts are brief, they are highly informative with all ofthe important details being provided. The accuracy ofthe textural presenta­ tions and the continuity ofexpression provide strong evidence that the author has spent an enormous amount of time in preparing the text and in painstakingly drawing the illustra­ tions. Certainly, an obvious strength ofthis volume is the high qualityoftheillustrativerenditions, allofwhichweredrawnby Dr. KRSTIC. These attest to the profound and comprehensive nature of the author's knowledge of the field of cellular and structural biology. This book is truly a work oflove and art by one who is gifted both didactically and artistically. Dr. KRSTIC should be con­ gratulated for providing us with an extremely accurate and detailedaccountofthe 2-dimensional, andinmanycasesthe 3­ dimensional, view of the cell and its component organelles. It has no equal.
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