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Free Time

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How can we earn twice as much in half the time with joy and ease, while serving the highest good? This playbook from popular author of Pivot and podcaster Jenny Blake has the answer. Your time is far more precious than money. It is your life. It is your energy. It is your presence, your memories, your dreams, your quality of life, the quality of any given moment. If you run your own business, you are already paying a risk and pressure tax. So why keep yourself shackled to outdated work structures that no longer work? Imagine you are: Traveling and going off the grid....without panicking that everything will fall apart while you're gone. Working 10-20 hour weeks and delegating the rest to a remote team who also works efficiently part-time from anywhere in the world. Answering questions for your team with relief, knowing you don't have to "own" the reply or next steps. Empowering your team to answer their own questions before they even have to ask you, through proactive problem-solving, shared philosophy, solid systems, and clear documentation. Taking care of family members and emergencies without adding tremendous stress during your time of need, comforted by knowing your team has your back. Free to work strategically on your business and big, new creative projects, not just in the business delivering services. Free Time is a philosophy and a verb. Free Time isn't about not working, it's about working on what most brings you alive-the work that you and only you can do. The new formula for success on your own terms? Love + Systems = Freedom. Heart-based business goes beyond an obsession with money, metrics, and the bottom line. The "more more more" trap is easy to fall into, and exhausting. Heart-based business is about delivering excellence in our work with humility, holding a belief that a rising tide lifts all boats. It means creating as much good as we can in the world with authenticity and integrity. This book is for you if you already run a team, or know you need to create one-and you know that it could work better than it does through shared principles of how we work. This book will provide structure that will help you experience greater ease, joy, and revenue. If you are here to free your mind, time, and team to do more great work that lights you up, while earning abundantly and serving the highest good for all involved, then you are in the right place.
Lieferbar in ca. 10-20 Arbeitstagen


32,90 CHF