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End of Prophetic Ministry

Angebote / Angebote:

In the contemporary church, there has been an upsurge of those who claim to receive direct communication through visions and dreams. But their claim contradicts the testimony of scripture. This book will expose and analyze false prophecies made by two well-known American and Kenyan ''prophets''. According to Apostle Paul, the purpose of prophetic gift was for edification in the early church, so in the end it would not be carried about with every wind of doctrine (1 Corinthians 14:3, 5, Ephesians 4:12, 14). As the New Testament drew to completion, the same apostle taught that the role of prophetic gift was coming to an end, being superseded by completed and inspired Holy Scripture. Today the prophetic claims by contemporary charismatic "prophets" are never tested for veracity by any witnesses, contrary to apostolic admonition. These untested visions and dreams cannot compete with the inspired and tested words of Paul in edifying the church, which was the main purpose of prophetic gift in Bible times. "We need people like you who can give REASON for their faith objectively and consistently. Thank you." - George Odero, Nairobi, Kenya "This is just awesome! For lack of words of how to describe such a God-given insight into the truth ... It's about time someone was raised of God to counter some of these hypocritical religions." - Martin Kilungu, Nairobi, Kenya Charles O. Ndege of Kenya undertook an in-depth study of the Bible after his conversion in1982. He wrote this book so "the people of God may not continue to be deceived by the contemporary 'prophets' and their outlandish false claims." Publisher's Website:
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