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Earth's Ambassador

Angebote / Angebote:

Forrest Gump meets Armageddon in this journal of history unfolding before us. Take a look at a man from his youth to the present time affecting the course of history. This is a journey of spirituality, which coincides with the past, present, and future events. He was given the title of Ambassador for the power he displays. Read as he grows into a man and one of the most influential men in history. Mistaken for many things, but the powers can't be ignored. Governments, humans, and animals have all acknowledged the Ambassador. Extinction lurks ever so closer for when the humans will be extinct. God versus devil, good versus evil, governments versus people, and flesh versus flesh. Let no man no the exact day, but the signs can't be ignored. The Ambassador stands in the middle of what's about to come.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


16,90 CHF