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Angebote / Angebote:

In this novel a philanthropist gets revenge for a crime against humanity.The principal character, Robert Konigsberg (RK), is a billionaire financier turned philanthropist. He spends the last twenty years of his life developing and funding programs to help the poor in his beloved New York City.He despises the Socialist/Communist Regime in power in Washington and New York state which create and oversee social anarchy and a looming Depression. They eliminate police departments and Detective organizations to usher in an era of lawlessness. For RK, this environment is ideal to perform the perfect crime.RK's donation of $70M to build a new hospital wing for the treatment of cancer is stolen by cybercriminals. On a trip to Switzerland to solicit the help of Interpol to solve the crime, he discovers a novel drone, which over the next six months, he perfects into a lethal murder weapon called a DroneViper.This Indiana Jones-style movie script is about how RK eliminates the criminals one-by-one around the world. In the end, RK dies, probably from cancer, with the personal satisfaction that nobody will discover how the cybercriminals really died.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


19,90 CHF