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  • Die aktienrechtliche Entlastung - de lege lata/de lege ferenda

Die aktienrechtliche Entlastung - de lege lata/de lege ferenda

Angebote / Angebote:

»The Discharge Resolution in German Stock Corporations - de lege lata/de lege ferenda«: This thesis addresses the question of whether the discharge resolution under German Stock Corporation Law fulfills its function as a controlling tool for shareholders and whether it requires reform. The author concludes that reform is necessary: a denial of discharge with real consequences attached - that is, an actual warning function - would be a more useful tool in the hands of shareholders. After five chapters, which are structured around the current legal situation and reform considerations, the author presents a concise reform proposal.
Folgt in ca. 2-3 Arbeitstagen


126,00 CHF