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Developing a Coaching Business

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This 'little black book' is a practical book which all coaches should read before they decide to enter the business world of coaching. It is an easy read that is packed with a number of useful tips and practical advice of how to both develop and implement your business."Yvonne Thackray How do I set up a coaching business?How do I find clients?How do I market myself successfully? If you are considering these questions, then this is the book for you.The coaching market is thriving but many coaches need practical help on how to develop and grow their businesses. Being a good coach is never enough. This book gives practical help based on many years of successful experience. Many coaches make the mistake of starting too broadly when the secret is to find a niche - but how do you do this? How do you find your natural clients? How do they find you? What should you charge? Should you have an office or can you work from home? Start-up costs are never as minimal as they might look, so how do you sustain yourself while you are building the business? It is essential to promote your fledgling business but which methods work and which are just a waste of time and money? You must have a web site but what should it contain to carry the right message about you and your coaching practice? Then there is the whole question of selling - a process many coaches dread but which has to be done because word of mouth on its own will never generate enough clients to earn a decent living. Finally, how big do you ultimately want your business to be? What are the plusses and minuses of growth?This book explains step by step how to build a successful new coaching business using an innovative method of selling with integrity. Using helpful case studies, Jenny Rogers clearly analyses the practical issues that can make or break a new venture. This book is the first step in running a successful coaching business.
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


57,50 CHF

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