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Desperate Days

Angebote / Angebote:

As Albre begins his freshman year in college at ASU. He becomes fascinated with the luxury cars, beautiful women, and fast money of the drug industry. Motivated and pressured by tuition fees and books with no income. Encouraged by his drug dealing friend John. Albre gets involved in the game and quickly becomes the Kingpin of "The Gump". He is faced with reality of seeing his friends murder and sent to prison, so Albre decided to get out the game and focus on his masters degree. Just when he tries to get out, he gets pulled back in deeper than ever before with the robbery and brutal murder of the Top Knotch Jewelry Store...A thrilling Urban Fiction novel by Bo Hall. An Albre Novel, Days of My Life Series
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


22,50 CHF