Demythologizing Heidegger
BücherAngebote / Angebote:
Caputo offers a compelling plea for a reinterpretation of Heideggerthat will make us more humane, and more attuned to the call of justice and mercythan to the call of Being." -- ChristianCentury
"There is no other book that focuses on the religioussignificance of the many 'turnings' in Heidegger's thought, nor that addresses thequestion of Heidegger's politics textually rather than autobiographically." --Merold Westphal
A readable chronological consideration ofHeidegger's texts that assesses his achievement as a thinker, while pointing to thesources of his political and ethical failure. Caputo addresses the religioussignificance of Heidegger's thought.
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