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The Second Punic War began in 218 BC, pitting Hannibal Barca of Carthage against the Republic of Rome. Hannibal was a Carthaginian general, considered one of the greatest military commanders in history. Hannibal was highly successful in Carthage's 17 Year War against Rome, until the very end. Early on, in the battles of the MAJOR AMBUSH OF LAKE TRASIMENE, and in the MONUMENTAL BATTLE OF CANNAE, Hannibal brought Rome to her knees. Hannibal continued to be highly successful against Rome, in spite of Carthage's failure to provide adequate support and reinforcement. Hannibal's defeat by Rome in 202 BC was due to his lack of support from Carthage, and due to the superior Leadership of Rome's Scipio Africanus. Hannibal was forced out of Carthage by Cato the Elder, in spite of support by Scipio Africanus, and later committed suicide. Rome's success continued against Philip V of Macedon at Cynoscephalae Hills and against Antiochus III the Great. Rome completed subjugation of all Italy, and Romans now ruled their world. This was followed by the rise of the Maccabbes of Israel, and the decline of the Seleucid Empire. Carthage was defeated in the Third Punic War 149-146 BC, and Rome destroyed Carthage.
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