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Cratisto: To the Strongest

Angebote / Angebote:

My generation to some extent is defined by Vietnam. Most of the best men I know served in the United States military forces and many saw combat in Vietnam . This is an account of what one Marine Lieutenant experienced. The experience encompassed action in the air and on the ground. While we were in some way involved with the conflict, war, whatever it was, there was a dark force at work in our great nation, undermining the sacrifices of all of those strong men who have sacrificed since the beginning of the most successful effort at affording freedom to men in the history of man. Liberals were usurping our educational system and attempting to rewrite our nations history, eliminating the story of the men of stature and strength and replacing it with their heroes who are not heroes at all, since liberals hate the strong. Liberals use code words to insinuate their policies and agendas of social engineering into our free society and weaken it. Multiculturalism is their program to weaken the American identity. Diversity is liberal code to isolate various population groups and prevent their assimilation into the American society and undermine the unity and self-image of Americans. Liberal insistence on spreading a foreign language within our nation isolates a large minority and prevents their assuming=2 0the identity of Americans. Liberals work to prevent our government from protecting our society from the inundation of hordes of illegal immigrants. Liberals then seek to squander public funds in support of these illegals. Liberals undermine morality by subtly and continuously forcing acceptance of perversity until society accepts unnatural and degrading activity as only a variance ofnormality. Liberals in our government say that attempting to identify our enemies is profiling and allow those whose mysticism is the avowed enemy of our entire social system to demand special consideration and to teach hatred of our society in their mosques. The leftist liberals have undermined our entire financial system by forcing our lending institutions to provide loans which cannot be paid for and then sticking the hard-working taxpayers with the burden of the failed payments. Our entire society is dumbed-down by the totally discriminatory liberal policy of affirmative action which provides jobs and places in educational institutions for the less qualified over the more qualified. Liberal attack on our Constitution continually erodes the freedom that it was intended to protect. Two men whom I admire most: Professor Walter Williams and Doctor Thomas Sowell have repeatedly warned us of the threat of the liberal war on America . I may join them on the last train for the coast.
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