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Corporate America's Final Solution

Angebote / Angebote:

Where are we going, as a nation, as a society, as a people? For more years than I care to remember. Corporate America has continued to increase its degree of domination and control over our Federal and state government. But the far reaching effects of their power has become much more apparent during the last almost eight years of the Bush, Cheney Administration. My story briefly discusses a number of topics which I believe are connected to and responsible for America's present day recession or possibly even depression bound economic situation. But basically, it discusses the rise and fall of America's middle class and Corporate America's decades long determination to destroy it. I could have written hundreds of pages pertaining to the rise and fall of Middle Class America. But reading them would have become as tedious as reading War and Peace. A novel that at sixty years of age, I still haven't finished. My story, although admittedly brief, is a partial compilation of a lifetime of my own personal observations, conclusions and predictions. Some, I admit are extremely frightening and outragious. You may disagree with some or all. But if after reading these following pages. You find yourself whether out of anger or concern, compelled to support positive change. By finally demanding answers and "TRUE" accountability from those we elect to public office. Those, in whose hands, we have placed the solemn responsibility of safeguarding America, the American people and the future generations of our yet unborn. Then I will have accomplished my intended goal. ("Truth, justice and the American way".) These are four simple words. But for me, unforgettable, precious words. And three things the men and women we continually elect to public office have time and time again failed to safeguard or provide.
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