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Conversations with My Father, Adonis

Angebote / Angebote:

Artist meets writer, young woman meets older man, daughter meets father. All these encounters are played out in the arresting conversations between the artist Ninar Esper (b. 1971) and the father she hardly knew, the Syrian-Lebanese poet Adonis (b. 1930). Esber passionately challenges Adonis on subjects ranging from fundamentalism to animal rights, from feminism to aesthetics, Adonis responds with amusement and judicious wisdom, not concealing the contradictions of a patriarchal humanist libertarian. On Esber's side, the poignancy of growing up without a father becomes a drama with Oedipal overtones. This intensely personal two-hander is at the same time representative of many contemporary displacements. Comparing their experiences of war, exile and cultural rootlessness, two individuals differently marked by Middle Eastern history seek a common ground in Paris. An intimate, uncensored, ultimately unresolved search for communication and forgiveness.
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


34,90 CHF