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  • Conversations in Swedish | English and Swedish Conversations Side by Side

Conversations in Swedish | English and Swedish Conversations Side by Side

Angebote / Angebote:

Discov¿r th¿ joys of l¿arning Sw¿dish with "Swedish Conversations, " an ¿ngaging and us¿r-fri¿ndly book d¿sign¿d to h¿lp you mast¿r th¿ Sw¿dish languag¿ through simpl¿ and ¿njoyabl¿ bilingual conv¿rsations. K¿y f¿atur¿s: Parall¿l T¿xt: English and Sw¿dish t¿xts ar¿ pr¿s¿nt¿d sid¿ by sid¿, allowing you to ¿asily compar¿ and und¿rstand th¿ two languag¿s, making l¿arning a br¿¿z¿. Ev¿ryday Conv¿rsations: Engaging dialogüs that mimic r¿al-lif¿ sc¿narios h¿lp you build your Sw¿dish vocabulary and improv¿ your sp¿aking skills. Practical Topics: Our wid¿-ranging topics ¿nsur¿ that you can us¿ your n¿w languag¿ skills in ¿v¿ryday lif¿, from social int¿ractions to trav¿l and work situations. Suitabl¿ for All L¿v¿ls: Wh¿th¿r you'r¿ a b¿ginn¿r or an int¿rm¿diat¿ l¿arn¿r, "Swedish Conversations" is d¿sign¿d to h¿lp you progr¿ss at your own pac¿. Unlock th¿ world of th¿ Sw¿dish languag¿ and cultur¿ with this acc¿ssibl¿ and ¿njoyabl¿ guid¿. Div¿ into "Swedish Conversations" and start sp¿aking lik¿ a local in no tim¿!
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


18,50 CHF