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  • Chemistry and Properties of Biomolecular Systems

Chemistry and Properties of Biomolecular Systems

Angebote / Angebote:

In this volume we have included some contributions among the plenary lectures, oral presentations and posters that have been presented at the 1st Joint Greek-Italian Meeting on "The Chemistry of Biological systems and Molecular Chemical Engineering" organized at Loutraki, Club Poseidon, Greece 1990. We hope similar meetings will follow every two years alternating between the two countries in order to strengthen the scientific ties among the scientists working in this field. The inter­ disciplary aspect of the meeting has been evident by the wide presence of scientists in bioinorganic, bio-organic, biological fields and molecular engineers who will get together and exchange ideas and experiences. We take this opportunity to thank the Greek Chemical Society, the Italian Chemical Society, the "Gruppo Interdivisionale di Chimica dei Sistemi e dei Processi Biologici", Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Nuclear Research Center "Demokritos" and the Greek Ministry for Research and Technology. ENRICO RIZZARELLI THEOPHILE THEOPHANIDES CONTRIBUTORS Numbers in parentheses indicate the pages on which the author's contributions begin Mojgan Aghazode Tabrizi, Department of Pharmaceutical Science, via Scandiana 21, University of Ferrara, 44100 Ferrara, ITALY (119) Maria Albano, Department of Chemistry, University of Calabria, Arcavacata di Rende, 87030 Cosenza ITALY (23) Rossano Amadelli, Photochemical Center of C. N. R. , Department of Chemistry, University of Ferrara, via L. Borsari 46, 44100 Ferrara, ITALY (103) Amalia Anagnostopoulou-Konsta, Department of Physics, National Technical University, 57 73 Athens, GREECE (45) Jane D.
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


188,00 CHF

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